My Impossible List

"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
- Walt Disney

My Current Focuses

Last 5 Completed Goals/Achievements

  1. Completed the Starting Up online course (entrepreneurship/startup journey from beginning to end) (28.03.2021)
  2. Selected for the E|2|C program of the Campus Founders where I am trained to become a junior (startup) coach (18.03.2021)
  3. Sparked an interesting conversation with the Finns on Reddit, which then got trending. It was a serious topic about human rights. (03.2021)
  4. Get a 1.0 (A+) in Intro to Computer Science -> Top 8% among 350+ students (I was positively shocked) (03.2021)
  5. Nominated for abroad studies at the triple-crown business school Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland (02.2021)

(Last update: 13.04.2020)